Event facilitator: how to become the best?

Working in event planning is not always easy, especially when one decides to become an event host. This job requires a certain level of precision and a good amount of improvisation. Even though the event organizer remains the conductor, the host largely contributes to the success of the event. They are tasked with engaging the guests and energizing the event during crucial moments when the energy wanes a bit.
But what are the actual duties of a host and what skills can enable them to excel in their task? We provide all our tips to help you become the best event host possible.
The Event Host: What Do We Expect from Them?
The role of an event host is simple: as the name suggests, they must animate your event. Of course, you didn't need us to come to that conclusion. 😂 In reality, a host must fulfill some slightly more complex objectives.
To successfully complete their mission, a good host must be capable of promoting your company's products, extolling their virtues in a subtle manner, and ensuring effective communication with energy and warmth. There's nothing worse than a host who doesn't smile! Yes, another required talent, and not the least: always being in a good mood. The host must be able to enhance your brand image, and to achieve this, nothing works better than working with a smile.
There are different types of hosts. The first, most common one is often referred to as the microphone host. This is the person who must entertain the audience and is usually seen roaming with a microphone in hand, hence the nickname.
The host can also be a presenter. In these cases, they must be able to captivate the audience and charm your participants to deliver the message entrusted to them. During professional events, their job is also to facilitate speaking and assist speakers who may not necessarily enjoy public speaking. Their aim is then to encourage each person's speech.
In a way, their role is to create a common thread throughout the event. There's a lot of talk about storytelling in marketing (the art of telling a story to captivate one's audience). It's the same for a host. A good professional will know how to start a story at the beginning of the event and continue it as the day progresses. To achieve this, they can make jokes, use their personal experience, or tell anecdotes. The goal is to seamlessly and interestingly link the different interventions for the audience.
The Skills Required to Become an Event Host
Each host is unique, and depending on the events they are involved in, the required skills may vary. However, regardless of the assigned task, a good number of qualities are needed.
Being dynamic
A good host must be full of energy. But most importantly, they must be able to sustain it over time. Days in event planning are often long, and the host's role is to engage guests throughout the event. Therefore, they themselves must be able to resist fatigue. A good night's sleep before an event is highly recommended! And if you're in doubt, don't hesitate to watch a few TED talks. You'll see how speakers are active and use dynamism effectively to captivate their audience.
Knowing how to socialize
We've too often encountered hosts who lacked people skills. Yet, this quality is more than essential. The host is often approached by guests who ask questions. It's important to be able to engage in conversation and help participants feel at ease. To achieve this more easily, you can attend events yourself as a guest and observe how the hosts on-site manage. Then take the opportunity to talk to different speakers to practice your skills!
Being a good actor
Yes, you read that right. The host must be capable of acting. It's not always easy to fulfill their role while staying true to oneself, so a good host knows how to distinguish between the two and play the role required of them for a few hours. In fact, we always advise aspiring hosts to take a few acting lessons to help them. A few hours of training can teach you the basics of the profession and the right techniques to react quickly and, most importantly, to improvise!
Being versatile
The host often has to perform various tasks. They may be asked to present a product, announce a conference, or welcome guests. Sometimes these three tasks are required in a single day. The host must then be able to adjust their tone accordingly. For example, it's the same if they have to work one day at a professional conference for lawyers and the next day at a pet toy fair.
The details that make you a good event host
Not everyone is cut out to be a good event host. In addition to having the necessary skills, many details will make the difference. For example, a host who can't remember their lines and remains silent, no matter how dynamic and smiling they may be, will never be called back. On the other hand, a host who experiences a memory lapse but can improvise meaningfully will make a difference. All presenters have blanks, and that's normal. But you need to be able to manage them. Most people use humor to get through by telling a joke. You can also use this moment to interact with the audience, ask them questions. And if the situation really doesn't lend itself to that, think long term and tease an activity that will take place later in the event. Double benefit: you fill in the gap and promote another session.
Also note that a host is allowed to bring notes. Of course, we don't want you reading from a sheet all day, but you certainly have the right to have a few cue cards. Some prefer electronic notes, bringing a tablet or laptop on stage. Regarding the content of these notes, you can choose to jot down just a few keywords or entire sentences, ideas to help transition between different parts, or even a complete script. Whatever your choice, the method chosen should be the most effective.
Similarly, we know how much the events sector must deal with the unexpected. As a host, you must be able to react quickly while managing your stress. Imagine the situation: a host is tasked with demonstrating a kitchen robot, and a power outage prevents it from working. An ordinary host will wait for the power to come back. However, a good host will use this time wisely to present all the other technical features of the robot.
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