Our advice for organizing the study day of your dreams

There is no shortage of types of corporate events. Depending on your needs, you may have to organize a convention, a trade show or a team-building event. Some are much more informal than others and above all, more dedicated to working seriously (yes, we’ll have fun later, there’s a time for everything 😉 ). This is particularly true for a study day. But what is it really? What is its objective and, above all, how to organize the ideal study day for your employees? Eventdrive provides you with all the advice you need to organize the study day of your dreams.
Before we start with a more technical story and get to the heart of the matter, let’s start on a good basis.
Particularly useful and often integrated into a company’s internal communication strategy, the study day allows employees to meet and exchange ideas professionally. It is often a mix between a training time and an information session, the winning combination between relaxation and work. It can be an opportunity to train your employees on a specific subject, to discuss a future project, to review the activity of the previous period, to anticipate future needs or simply to allow a manager to congratulate his teams. In short, it is up to you to decide what direction you want to give to your study day!
The objective of a study day is simple: to strengthen the entrepreneurial process, in order to have a global vision of the management in place. In a roundabout way, the study day must be able to motivate teams and implement new medium- or long-term strategies.
Successful introduction
The introduction of your study day is essential, because it is this moment that will influence the rest of the day. Keep in mind the objectives and especially that, to achieve them, it is better for your teams to be relaxed. It’s scientifically proven, you’re more effective when you feel relaxed!
So the best thing to do is to start with an activity that will break the ice. To facilitate communication, it may be interesting to offer mirror presentations. Let us explain what we have in mind. The goal is simple: to introduce your colleague rather than yourself. The advantage is twofold: to change the usual (and boring) presentations and to highlight someone else’s qualities (it’s like flattering their ego in a way). To spice it up, the facilitator can give a list of 3 words to be included in the presentation. Choose original words, difficult to fit into a classic presentation, which will tend to make the situation comical. For example, insert the words clown, tractor, jungle… In short, this part, in addition to provoking hilarious moments, will also stimulate the creativity and imagination of your collaborators.
If you want to start on a dynamic note, you can also set up a game called “4 standing”. The rules are simple and it is only necessary to start by forming a circle with chairs. Each person sits, except for 4, who remains standing. Throughout the game, there must always be 4 people standing, but none of them must remain standing for more than 10 seconds. Without any communication between the players and using only their observation skills, the team must ensure that the mission is successful. This activity is particularly stimulating and helps to develop an important group feeling. Perfect to start the day, right?
Set up break-up times
The day hasn’t even started yet, but we’re already thinking about the break! That’s what you’re probably thinking? And yet, don’t forget to take breaks throughout the day. A study has shown that the concentration capacity is about 90 minutes. By working longer, we disperse and, above all, get tired. To maintain constant productivity throughout the day, it is ideal to take a break every hour and a half or so. Ten to fifteen minutes are enough to change your mind.
But don’t forget that you also have to occupy these moments. For example, you can make fruit baskets available, coffee or other hot drinks. The break can also be an opportunity to launch lighter topics for discussion to relax the atmosphere. Have you heard a joke that made you laugh recently? It’s time to bring it out…
Prepare your material in advance
As its name suggests, the study day is destined to last… a day. Of course, there are exceptions, but overall, that’s the way it works. It is therefore essential that you take the time to prepare it well in advance, because the day will be going by quickly and you won’t have time to make up for it.
To avoid mistakes on D-Day, why not make a checklist of the equipment necessary for the smooth running of the event? Each study day requires its own equipment, but Eventdrive has decided to give you a basis on which to start when you prepare your list:
- A paperboard and markers,
- A video projector and the screen that goes with it,
- All the cables to connect the computers to the projector,
- A laser pointer,
- A microphone and a powerful sound system if the room is large,
- A wifi connection (to be put in the equipment box, because you will have to bring a 3G key if the chosen place does not have a good enough connection).
Sometimes, service providers include this type of equipment in the room rental, do not hesitate to ask in advance, as this can facilitate the logistics of the event.
Choose a place at the appropriate level for the event
We repeat it quite often, but to make your event a success, you have to focus on originality. By taking your employees out of their usual working environment, you put all the chances of success on your side. Choose a quiet place, suitable for thinking, but with options for seminars. You can opt for the atypical by working in a former factory transformed into seminar rooms, decide to work in a winery or simply rent a rooftop in a large city.
Are you ready for your study day? Even if your event only lasts one day, or two at most, don’t neglect the details. It is essential that everything runs smoothly and that the gears work properly.
The study day is a fundamental step in the company’s strategy and can be a good basis for motivating its employees, so don’t rush into the organization.
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