Professional invitation: How to invite a client to an event?

When you start working on an event project, you have to think of everything. Some steps are crucial to the smooth running of the process and the timing of inviting participants is one of them. Preparing a professional invitation is not easy, it is not enough to write a letter indicating the place and time of the event: a real thinking is necessary before sending the invitation. You don’t know what we’re talking about? Don’t worry, Eventdrive has become a master at writing professional invitation cards… Let us explain why!
The Elements to Be Included in the Professional Invitation
The logo
It is essential to highlight your company logo, ideally at the top of the invitation. Why? Because it is the first visual element your guests will see and it is thanks to it that they will recognize the sender of the invitation in just a few seconds.
You can also display the logo of the hosting company, if any, or the logo of the partners. These, on the other hand, do not need to be highlighted as much and can be moved to the bottom of the invitation.
The type of event
Another important point, the type of event to which they are invited must be announced quickly. Whether it is a conference, a seminar, a study day or a cocktail, guests must immediately understand the purpose of the invitation.
An image
A study conducted by Hubspot in August 2019 showed that a Facebook post has 2.3 times more commitments than a publication without an image. Start from this idea and apply it to your invitation, whether you have chosen the paper or computer option, don’t forget to include a visual.
This can be a team photo if your event will celebrate a significant moment for your company. Otherwise, you can simply choose to include a photo of the location you have chosen for the event.
Détails of the event
Finally, there is the essential information. Here, it is necessary to take the time to give logistical details such as the location of the event and its address. Don’t forget to specify the exact name of the room if there is one.
Finally, specify the day and time of the event: it is important to communicate accurate information. Our advice? Put this information in bold or color in the invitation as it is the most important, the eye will be much more attracted and the brain will remember it more easily… In any case, ours works like that! ! 😉
The program of the event
The more complete your invitation card is, the better it will be for your guests. If several time slots are planned during your event, do not hesitate to specify it. If you are counting on the intervention of some speakers, remember to specify the schedule of their presentation, but also their names: the aim is to make your guests want to come.
The registration process
Once you have provided all the essential information, it is time to explain to your guests how to confirm their attendance. It is up to you to choose the registration method that seems most effective for the target audience. Answers by email, return of a form by mail, registration on the website dedicated to the event… In short, there are many solutions.
Don’t forget to specify the registration deadline!
The access map
Finally, before closing the envelope or pressing “send”, do not forget to attach an access map. This little document could make a difference. Believe us, some guests will not bother searching the address on Google and will be happy to have all the GPS information at hand.
Our Advice to Make Your Professional Invitation a Success
Is that okay? Until then, you follow? Well, now it’s time to get to the heart of the matter: how to be sure to send an invitation that will leave a lasting impression. Use clear language that is adapted to the event. For example:
For a conference
For an event of this scale, we advise you to use a more serious language. Get to the point by starting directly with “You are invited to…”
For a more relaxed event (afterwork style)
Opt for an anecdote in the introduction, or a fun photo, to get your employees in the mood right away.
For a seminar
Recall the context and reason for organizing this event. Remember to bait your colleagues by introducing them to the seminar’s key activity.
Choose the right format
When sending invitations, you have several choices. You can choose the computer option with the sending by email. Between us, this option is the most common and the one used by many companies. The main reason being the economy. Indeed, paper costs are reduced. But it is above all the minimal ecological impact that is highlighted. Be careful though, by choosing to send it by email, your environmental impact will not be zero, just decreased. 😉
Otherwise, you can also choose to send your invitations in paper format. At that point, it is up to you whether you choose to send by mail or hand-delivery. If your event is a little high-end, this last option may be the best choice.
Customize it!
We certainly don’t repeat it enough, but personalization is the key to any marketing strategy. Everyone is able to write an invitation. On the other hand, few will take the time to personalize it. And that’s what will make the difference!
You can of course add the name of the recipient. But you can also segment the message according to the target. How to do this? Why not segment shipments according to your company’s departments?
You are finally ready to write the perfect invitation for your next event. If you comply with all the points set out in this article, we are sure that the attendance rate will be the highest. And if you are still afraid of not having enough participants, you can send a reminder about ten days after sending the invitation. If you had chosen to send by paper, why not choose the electronic option this time? In short, you see where we’re going with this: the goal is to reach the widest target, by all means.
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